
Productions, Paris, France, announces a movie en- titled TEENAGERS....and among the facets the movie deals with the ad mentions: miniskirts and long hair... feminine underwear for boys... ---could it be that our long hair hippies and beatnicks are actually wearing what many of us wear? Does the teenage re- bellion reach that far? And if long before the boys will adopt complete feminine attire? In that case, I propose to join the hippies!

And here's more from "Variety". A play is be- ing shown in Paris at the Theatre Montparnasse.... entitled "The Architect and the Assyrian Emperor"... The Variety correspondent says: "This comedy is an enigmatically Freudian piece about two inhabitants of a desert island and their complicated psycholo- gical effect on each other, including transvestism, the exchange of identities...and whatnot."

More? As you know, the Royal Ballet of England has been performing in New York. And of course on opening night at the Metropolitan Opera House the audience was treated to the classic "CINDERELLA" as the Royal Ballet has been doing it for years. The two ugly sisters are played by men! Here's what the Variety reporter, Robert Landry, had to say: "That Sir Frederick Ashton, the director of the Royal Ballet, personally donned skirts and wig and starred in the opening night at the Met, cannot escape some lifted eyebrows. There is an element of shock, from which the beholder never fully re- covers, to see Ashton, alongside Robert Helpmann, sashaying around the stage as Cindy's two mincing sisters. In part the reaction relates to the hokey status here of female impersonation. America has no tradition of pantomime as in the United Kingdom with the inevitable male "dame"." (End of quote) So, there we are. Even as sophisticated an audience as the kind who'd go to the Met to see the Royal Ballet, lifts an eyebrow at a man in skirts. What a long, long road we have to travel before there will be some sunshine for TV's!